

This contribution guide will lay out how to do common tasks like report issues, update code, and submit requests to merge your changes back into the master branch of the kinetic framework.

If you have never used Git or feel a bit rusty, please spend soem time reading the Atlassian Git Guru Tutorials.

If you have not used Git in a professional environment (i.e. only for personal side projects), the following resources are worth reading:

If you prefer a more hands-on experience learning git, there is an interactive git tutorial at:

All Georgia Cyber Center repositories (include kinetic), unless explicitly specified otherwise, will observe the Github Flow

Submitting Issues

To report problems or suggest features, go here.

A core component of the feature branch workflow is to use a different branch for each individual feature or issue. This implies that every branch should be mapped to an issue.

For example, if you want to add an OpenStack project to the kinetic framework that is currently unsupported (e.g. barbican), create a new issue (specifically, a feature request) entitled [FEATURE] Add barbican to kinetic framework Titles should be specific and begin with the action taken (create, update, delete, etc.).

The body of the issue should reference any code, logs, or thoughts on the issue. It should NOT simply just restate the title.

Issues are automatically assigned a number when created. Your branch should begin with this number, followed by a dash. To build off the barbican example, the feature branch should be named 13-Add-barbican-to-kinetic-framework if the issue created was #13.

Professional Git Usage

Git can quickly become a real pain if contributors do not use it correctly. Please read the Git Team Workflow Cheatsheet in the Introduction for a good example of standard workflow.


  • Commit directly to the master branch unless it is a very minor change (i.e fix typo, change file name, etc.)

  • Have multiple significant changes take place in a single commit

    • Use your best judgment on commit frequency. A good rule of thumb is make a change, test that change, make sure nothing broke, & commit.

  • Submit a merge request on a feature branch that is not in sync with the master branch

    • Once you believe you are complete with a feature branch, make sure your local feature branch is rebased on top of the head of the remote master branch, then submit your merge request. Read the Your First Contribution section for more details.


  • Write meaningful commit messages. More details on this can be found in this blog post.

  • Use the .gitignore file to ignore unnecessary files like compiled executables, temporary files, IDE configurations, and other files that do not contain code or documentation. here is a good list of files that should be ignored.

  • Use social platforms like Slack, GitLab, GitHub, or face-to-face meetings to discuss changes, de-conflict pull requests, and other work that is necessary to develop software when working as a team.

Your First Contribution

Let’s walk through a simple example of how you go from an idea to a solution fully merged into the master branch.

The first step is putting the changes into words through the GitHub issue tracker. Read the submitting issues section for more information.

Once you do this, create a new branch in GitHub by going to the repository home page and clicking on the fork button in the top right. Once you do this, you will be able to create a branch in your forked copy of the project. Make sure the branch name starts with the issue number and then succinctly paraphrases the issue title.

Next, you will need to run git pull on your local machine to pull down the new branch. Then you run git checkout <feature-branch-name> to start working in the new feature branch.

As you start making changes to your specific feature, at some point you will determine you’ve reached a good point to stop, test your changes, make sure nothing broke, and commit. To do so, first run git status to see what files have changed. If there are files listed that you don’t believe should be included in the remote repository (temporary files, local IDE configurations, compiled binaries, etc.), add them manually to the .gitignore file. From here you can add the files to git by running git add -A.

After your files have been added, you need to commit your changes to the feature branch. Please read this first before you make your first commit. A well-written commit can save a lot of time in the future when something inevitably breaks or needs to change and you want to find the source of the problem or a good place to start over and try again. And above all, do not be lazy and use the -m flag unless you are fixing a simple typo or some other very minor change that doesn’t warrant a description.

Once you commit your changes, you need to make sure your changes are on top of an up-to-date version of the master branch. To do this, run the following commands in succession:

  • git checkout master

  • git pull

  • git checkout -

    • the dash is a built-in git variable that represents the previous branch/commit you were working on. In this case, it is the name of our feature branch.

  • git rebase master

    • Depending on what changes have been made to master since you started working on your feature, there may be merge conflicts that you need to resolve. An easy way to avoid this is to separate responsibilities and understand who is doing what so only one person at a time is modifying any given file.

  • git push the local feature branch to the remote feature branch.

Now that your remote feature branch is based on top of an up-to-date master branch, you can submit a pull request in GitHub.

To do this, navigate to the kinetic project in GitHub abd click on the Create pull request button. You will be able to choose the target branch and the source branch for the pull request, and be given an opportunity to describe what your work does. You should explain how everything turned out, what was tested, and what to expect.

Once you verify everything, submit the pull request. If everything looks good and one other person associated with kinetic looks over the changes and verifies that you didn’t "break the build", then it will be merged into master.

If something needs to be changed in the feature branch before merging, then make the changes, commit them to the feature branch, and execute the above commands again to ensure your changes are always on top of an up-to-date master branch. Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary.

Bugs and Features

When reporting bugs or requesting features, please be sure to use the issue templates on GitHub!

They will help you properly format your request and ensure that the developers can fully understand what you’re asking for/need help with.


All contributed material that isn’t source code, supporting assets (images, etc.), or explicitly required by a build system (e.g. custom GitHub issue templates) must be in asciidoc format and end with the .adoc file extension. This requirement covers documents, slide decks, and more.


As previously mentioned, we use the github flow as the workflow across all Georgia Cyber Center repositories. The only branch that is offical (and deployable) is master. All other branches should be considered developmental, not suitable for usage, and unofficial.

When there is a particular point in the development history of the master branch that is of note (e.g. the exact commit where a significant upgrade was implemented in kinetic), tags are to be used to keep track of it for future reference. Using tags allows us to keep track of changes over time and correlate various changesets to differences in stability and performance, among other things.

Each feature/bugfix that someone wishes to implement should be its own branch. Branches should never be long running, and should be deleted as soon as they are either merged in to master or rejected by the maintainers.


When writing in asciidoc, you must adhere to the one sentence per line style. Because asciidoc does not interpret single line breaks as actual line breaks, you can do things like this:

The quick brown fox
jumped over
the lazy

and have it render like this:

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


When writing code (salt, yaml, etc.) that you with to be included in the kinetic project, you should adhere to the following guidelines


  • YAML documents will always use two spaces as its indentation mechanism

  • YAML documents will have the file extension of .yaml

  • YAML documents will represent lists across multiple lines, e.g.

  - bar
  - baz


foo: [bar, baz]


  • salt state files will always use two spaces as its indentation mechanism

  • salt state files will have the file extension of .sls

  • salt state files will always use the jinja templating engine, when templating is required

  • salt state files will be idempotent when executed repeatedly